Physiological Development
Cognitive Development
- Middle aged starts at the age of 40 and ends at 50 years.
- This is the period of physiological changes that are gradual and inevitable; although physical growth has stopped he/she continue to mature emotionally.
- In this period he or she has obtained personal achievements and socioeconomic stability.
- He or she enjoys the role in assisting other young people or children. That is the time of helping aging parents progress through the later years of life.
- The middle aged adults use his leisure time in creative work and get satisfaction from his/her own work.
- This is the time when a person prepares for retirement.

- Major physiological changes occur between 45-65 years of age.
- The changes in physical appearance and functions vary from person to person.
- The most visible changes are grey hair, loss of hair, wrinkling, body metabolism which begins to slow down due to lack of excess fat deposition especially around waist and abdomen.
- Presbyopia ( blurred vision at close range ) is common in middle adulthood.
- The impact of physiological changes has an effect on the person's self concept and body image.
Cognitive Development
- Middle aged adults are able to learn new skills and information.
- Some adults prepare themselves for new education, career and vocational training.
- The cognitive function changes when they are seriously ill or have trauma.
- The psychological changes in the middle aged are due to children moving away from home, divorce and death of spouse.
- The changes may cause stress and affect the health of an individual .
- During this period sex hormone begins to decline such as estrogen and progesterone in the female. Therefore most of the women experience menopause between the age of 45-60 years of age.
- There is decreased level of androgen which may cause climacteric changes in both male and females, middle aged adult experience changes in the erection and decreased repeated orgasm. Therefore some may experience emotional distress and for this reason, both male and female clients need more information about menopause and climacteric changes.
Physiological needs of Middle Aged are :
- Adaptation to changing sexuality.
- Promotion of adaptive health maintenance measures.
- Monitoring for and treatment of chronic illness.
- Early detection of loss of perception.
- Achieving adult civic social responsibility.
- Establishing and maintaining as standard of living.
- Helping teenage children become responsible and happy adults.
- Developing leisure activities.
- Relating to one's spouse as a person.
- Accepting and adjusting to physiological changes of middle age.
- Adjusting to aging parents.
- Express love through more than sexual contacts.
- Maintain healthy life patterns.
- Develop a sense of unity with mate.
- Help growing and grown children to be responsible adults.
- Relinquish central role in lives of grown children.
- Accept children's mates and friends.
- Create a comfortable home.
- Be proud of accomplishments of self and mate/spouse.
- Reverse roles with aging parents.
- Achieve mature, civic and social responsibility.
- Adjust to physical changes of middle age.
- Use leisure time creativity.
Common health problems in middle adulthood include:
- Diabetes
- Accidents
- Heart diseases
- Stroke
- Hypertension
- Cancer
- Alcoholism
- Degenerative joint disease, Gout
- Gallbladder disease
- Coronary artery disease
- Varicose veins
- Gl disorders: peptic ulcer disease
- Obesity
- Dental problems
- Visual changes
- Reproductive/menopausal problems
- Anxiety/stress
- Accidents/injuries.
Nursing consideration in middle adulthood
- Encouraging regular medical check up
- Teaching self breast examination to females and self testicular examination to males.
- Encouraging to have pap smear test done for females.
Thank you so much 💗
ReplyDeleteYeally useful article...tq so much