Developmental Needs and tasks
young adult
Middle aged adult
Older adults
Major Health Problems of Adult `
young adult
Middle aged adults eg gall stone, ulcer heart conditions
Older adults eg CVA
Young Adults (21-39 years )
Young adulthood starts at the age of 21 year and ends at 39 years.
Young adults are usually physically healthy, chronic illness are less in this age group.
Young adulthood is a period of productive life. The young adult may attend college or may have a job and choose a life partner and marry. Some may remain single, but most of them are involved in rearing children and caring for parents.
The young adult changes gradually in his/her attitudes due to natural due to natural process of maturation and socialization. During this period young adults set goals and choose a carrier.
He or she gradually enters middle age and may be aware of some changes in his/her reproductive life and other physical changes. During this transitional period, the person may reassess his/her goals in life and add new goals.
Physiological Development
Physiological development is complete and he or she may experience changes in body structure or shape.
The young adult are usually active and may not have serious illness.
They ignore minor physical symptoms and often postpone seeking medical help.
Chronic illness does not appear in this age group.
The physical characteristics of young adults gradually change into middle age.
Cognitive Development
Young Adults develop a habit of rational thinking.
They gain experience through different areas such as formal and informal education.
General day to life experience and occupational/job opportunities greatly increase the individual's conceptual and problem solving skills as well as motor skills.
They are often found to be satisfied with their job or occupation.
Psycho-social Development
Emotional health of a young adult depends upon how he resolves his/her personal problems, social tasks and frequency of exposure ti similar problems.
During this period he refines his life goals and relationship. He wants success in his chosen carrier.
He may have more social contacts eg. work place, cub etc.
The young adults gives more attention to his carrier or occupation and wants to improve his socioeconomic status through his chosen carrier. Successful employment not only ensures economic security but also leads to friendship, social activities, support and respects from coworkers. In this regard a nurse also helps the individual in achieving of his her goals.
Development needs and tasks of Young adults
The physical needs of young adult are :
1. Establishment of lifelong health maintenance measures.
2. Early detection of disease process.
3. Assistance with reproduction.
According to Diekelmann (1976) there are five developmental tasks:
1. The young adults achieve Independence from parental control.
2. They begin to control strong friendships and intimate relationship outside the family.
3. They establish personal sets of values.
4. They prepare for life work and develop the capacity for intimacy.
Major health problems of Young Adults
1. Accidents related to the following activities:
2. Social Problems:
Drug abuse
Tobacco use
Alcohol and substance abuse
Suicidal attitude (poison, burn, hanging)
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